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April 7, 2010
Senior Center

Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Bob Lavigne, Don Mancini @7:25, Glenn Gaudette @7:26, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent: Jim Dunn

Also Present: Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager, Selectmen: Kim Ferguson, Ken O'Brien @ 8:02.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03.

The Committee continued it's deliberations on the Town Budget.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn to accept the Public Works Administration Budget $169,043.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Peter to accept the Engineering Budget $93,293.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Peter to accept the Equipment Repair Budget $145,919.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Peter to accept the Buildings and Grounds Budget $677,048.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Rick to accept the Garage Division Budget $58,800.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Peter to accept the Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund $5,078,073.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to accept the Water/Sewer Stabilization Fund $80,000.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Peter 2nd by Don to accept the Veteran's Benefits Budget $41,200.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Glenn to accept the Senior Citizens Budget $226,113.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn to accept the Gale Free Library Budget $742,115.00 as printed was voted 7 in favor-1 (abstained Paul).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Peter to accept the Historical Commission Budget $6,665.00 as printed was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn to accept the Town Manager Budget $278,828.00 as printed was voted 5 in favor to 3 (opposed Paul, Glenn, Don).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to accept the Legal Budget $135,000.00 as printed was voted in favor 7-1 (opposed Al).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to reduce the contribution into the IIF by $200,000.00 and to put $100,000.00 into the Fire Stabilization Fund and $100,000.00 into the DPW Depreciation Fund was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Don to accept an amended Debt Budget $3,790,569.00 was voted unanimously.

Budgets for further discussion: Finance Committee, Insurance, Personnel, Growth Management, Highway Department, Public Safety. We will ask Fire Chief Chandler to attend the April 21, 2010 meeting to bring more information on the EMS system.

Budgets to be voted on also the WRSD and Montachusett RVSD Assessments.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Paul to accept the minutes of March 31, 2010 was voted unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley